Admiring the view along the route
Station #3 is at the Visitor Center
Marla Streb, National Downhill Champion, talks with a Mountain Bike Unit patroller. Marla will be riding with the advanced group, and holding a skills clinic just before lunch.
Riding up from station #4 at Century Lake
View of Crags Rd from Radar's Hill at the Mash site. The rider is headed towards the Creek of Doom
In the Creek of Doom, this OTB rider is the first one through in the large (large large) group of advanced riders.
The first of many women in the group
Looks like a North Rancher!
And he's followed by another one!
Doug is out on his single speed
Marla is about a quarter of the way back in the pack
In the other direction, towards the M*A*S*H site, the rocks slow down the progress
Let's hope this fellow doesn't hit any unexpected rocks - he could be missing his tongue!
Now don't be distracted by the photograhper - keep your eyes on the rocks!