Checking the board for winning tickets to the silent raffle
Raffle prize bags
Writing up the winning ticket numbers to the silent raffle (woman in the orange hat)
Raffle volunteer Robin McGuire writes up the winning ticket numbers to the silent raffle (woman in the orange hat)
The list of winning tickets
The silent auction table
Behind the scenes at the silent raffle
Winner of the Bike Warrior Wheelie Contest, with Ray from Bike Warrior
Tickets in the raffle drum
Winner of the Kids Limbo contest
Jim Shanman with a Silent Auction prize
Louisa Bonnie, Chair of the Fat Tire Festival, announces the annual awards for outstanding contributions to mountain biking
Jeff Klinger, Chairman of the CORBA Board, receives an award for extraordinary dedication and contribution to mountain bike recreation
Mark Langton announces the winners of the Silent Auction
Russ Okawa and Giant Bicycles receive an award for stellar support and contributions to mountain bike recreation