Mark Langton gives an overview of the skills clinic
Guest pros Sid Taberlay and Ned Overend, who will be helping out with the clinic, watch
The clinic attendees are gathered around Mark, who is facing the other way
Heading off to learn the first skill
The attendees line up to hear Mark explain the skill
Guest pro Sid Taberlay demonstrates looking in the direction you will be turning
Now Sid demonstrates a track stand
Looking and turning
Track stand
Track stand
A little guy points the pros out to his dad
Mark leads the attendees to practice low-speed turning
Trying a track stand
Guest pro Ned Overend is riding along
Lined up to hear about the next skill
Sid Taberlay demonstrates rolling over a small obstacle. First the front wheel...
...then the rear wheel...
...and finishes up by rolling down the other side.
Mark reinforces the demonstration
Guest pro Ned Overend looks on