Setting up the CORBA booth on day 1. It was so windy that large buckets full of water had to be tied to the legs to keep the canopy from blowing away!
The booth is ready to go
Promoting the Fat Tire Fest
Newest CORBA board member Sonia in front of the CORBA booth
CORBA and Dirtchix members who went to Sea Otter this year. Most are members of both organizations.
Start of the woman's XC race
CORBA board member Danusia starts the XC race (right of center in the pink jersey)
Sea Otter trails
Sea Otter trails and riders
Sea Otter trails
Sea Otter trails and riders
Dirtchix and CORBA members on the recreational ride
Longtime CORBA member Don Taber won the Men's Mountain Bike XC Race Cat III. Congratulations Don, well done!
View of the slalom hill
Sheltering in the CORBA booth on an uncharacteristically hot day at Sea Otter
Sea Otter entertainment
CORBA and Dirtchix members at the Sea Otter Classic