The first group of students for 2009 at Malibu Creek State Park
The mountains in the background were used to represent Korea in the movie and TV series of M*A*S*H
The Mountain Bike Unit rolls by to explain the program to the students and hopefully find some new recruits
Getting ready to ride down to the lower parking lot for the next exercise
Mark leads the way down
Mark explains the next skill, riding over a little obstacle
Mark demonstrates riding over a curb
This is the incorrect way to do it. With the arms rigid, the front wheel bounces way up in the air instead of rolling easily over the block
The rear wheel bounces too
Ezra demonstrates how easily a bike rolls over the obstacle if you relax and just let it go
On the other hand, if you tense up and put a lot of pressure on the front wheel, bad things can happen
Mark shows that a bike doesn't have to have any suspension to be able to roll over the obstacle
One last demonstration...
...and then it's time for the class to try it, under Ezra's and Mark's watchful eyes
She looks a little anxious at first...
Hey, cool, that was easy!