Learning how to use the tools before heading down the trail
Heading up the trail pulling the BOB trailer with tools
Talking about pushing some dirt around
Actually pushing dirt around
Pete's cutting down the berm on the outside of the trail so the water can flow off the edge, rather than down a rut in the middle
Cleaning out some of the brush
After hiking in a mile or so, it's time for a break
Using a saw on the bigger branches
We were about 3.5 miles in, not far from the oak tree. The people who rode down got there long before those who hiked in
The trail is covered with brush that has been cut down from above
Some of the hikers arrive
This was a birthday ride for the woman in front who had a party hat on top of her helmet
Getting rid of some of the debris off the side of the trail
More debris disposal
Loading the BOB trailer for the trip back
Some last-minute work while hiking out
Hans, an OTB rider and the CORBA trail maintenance coordinator, sits on the CORBA trailwork trailer, loaded with tools