Meeting at the corner of Wendy and Potrero to shuttle to the trailhead
At the trailhead, Santa Monica Mountain Trails Council members get their tools together
Two trailworkers shuttle themselves on their bikes
The MBU stops by to say hello
Crew leader Steve explains the work for the day, how to use the tools and how to work safely
The trail we'll be working on
Hiking up the trail to the work area
Doing a little repair work on the way to the main work area
Lots of people are out riding on this beautiful day
Water pools in this flat area when it's wet
Ruts form when water runs down the middle of the trail
Building a 'rolling dip' to divert water from the trail, thereby preventing ruts
Cutting through the berm that keeps water from getting off the trail
Packing down a rolling dip
Riders help us pack down the loose dirt
A rolling dip when it's finished
Rolling dips are built every few dozen feet. especially shortly before and after steeper sections