160 Volunteers helped build the new trail sections in the Conejo Canyons Open
Space of Thousand Oaks. Trailwork was followed by a barbecue lunch and prize
drawings for the volunteers. See our
CORBA Mountain Biking Photos. Click on an image to see it full size.
After registering, volunteers meander down to the area where they'll join a work crew
The rangers drove the tools about a mile closer to the work area so we wouldn't have to carry them so far.
Work crews pick up their tools here
In case anyone doesn't have their own work gloves
Crew leader Frank Padilla talks to his crew about safety
After collecting their tools, members of Crew 3 gather for their safety talk
Crew leader Steve Clark, a volunteer for CORBA, explains the safe use of tools to Crew 3
We saw lots of these colorful leaves all along the trail. Fortunately the rangers had cut (almost) all of them away from the work areas
Hiking to the work area
Hiking to the work area
This is a beautiful trail!
This crew is building a more gently sloped path to cross the creek
COSCA Ranger Bruce is explaining the work to Crew 3
The sign says that the trail is very narrow ahead...
At this spot, the stream is undermining the trail. It could be gone as soon as the next rain, so we're building a new section that goes around this part
The first crew to arrive has already got a good start on building the new bypass section of the trail
This is what the trail looks like before we start on it. The rangers have cut the brush down for us, now we have to dig it out to make it level. The orange flags show where the downhill edge of the trail will end up.
Crew 3 digs in
The crew leader scores a line in the dirt to show about where to start digging down to make a level trail
It doesn't take long to see some real progress!