CORBA Mountain Biking Photos. Click on an image to see it full size.
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Google Earth view of the trails in the Los Robles East area. The "Descent of Death" is shown in red. The bypass we built is pink. The loose rocks were removed from the light green section of the Conejo Crest Trail, and the dark green trail trail had brush cut back, loose rocks removed and drainages installed. For reference, the Los Robles East Trail is on the left side of the image, and the White Horse Canyon trail at the bottom, both in blue.
A few days before the event, a few crew leaders scouted the trails to see what work needed to be done. This section was cleared of brush by the rangers. There are a lot of rocks and stumps to remove.
A few days before the event, a few crew leaders scouted the trails to see what work needed to be done. This section was cleared of brush by the rangers. There are a lot of rocks and stumps to remove.
Tying a piece of orange tape to a bush to indicate where the various crews should work.
A few days before the event, a few crew leaders scouted the trails to see what work needed to be done. This section was going to be particularly difficult because the cross slope is so steep.
On the day of the event, the regisration desk.
Hiking to the work area on the Conejo Crest Trail. Some crews will be working here to remove the loose surface rocks.
There's a light mist hanging over Westlake Village this morning
On the new section of trail, the rangers have flagged were the trail will go.
The first crew to get to work
The crew I was with gets to work on a loose, rocky, slightly steep trail that connects the Conejo Ridge Trail to the White Horse Canyon Trail.
We scraped off loose rocks and built drains so winter rainwater doesn't further erode the trail. We also cleared overgrowing brush to make it wider.
A husband and wife team take a break from the dusty work
The rangers stop by to see how things are going
Above us on the trail was another crew of volunteers working on their section
You can see the trail is very rocky!
Throwing the larger rocks off the trail
Pausing from cutting back some overgrown bush