Mtn bike team members, coaches and parents from Calabasas and Simi Valley work on a new trail to bypass the swamp.
CORBA Mountain Biking Photos. Click on an image to see it full size.
The New Millennium Loop Trail area as shown by Google Earth, looking south-east. The New Millennium loop is in red and the Historic Loop is blue. The new trail (green) to bypass the swamp (purple) is near the lower-left. The section we worked is shown by the push-pins.
This plaque indicates the historic significance of the area.
The way the trail looked a couple of days before trailwork. This is a switchback near the start.
The trail if flagged to show how it will be dug out to be widened
This section of the old trail gets too close to a small stream, so it will be moved a few feet up the slope.
CORBA's trail crew leader, Steve, explains the work to be done to the volunteers from the high school mountain bike teams.
Demonstrating how to use the tools and dig out the trail.
Getting down to work!
Working on the switchback
Another view of the switchback