We were cleaning drains and fixing ruts after the heavy rains and mud slides in December.
CORBA Mountain Biking Photos. Click on an image to see it full size.
Scouting and flagging the trail a couple of days beforehand, we find this hillside is covered by wild hyacinths, aka, blue dicks...
... and there are California poppies here...
... lupins and poppies together...
... shooting stars...
California poppies
California poppies
Most of our work consitsted of building drainage knicks to give water a way to flow off the trail, rather than down the middle
Working on another drainage knick
Here we're pulling down the berm from the outside to fill in the rut that's forming in the middle of the trail, and building a couple of drainage knicks.
It took a lot of work to build this knick, and it's progressing nicely
Generally, people work in pairs when building drainage knicks
One of the many groups of mountain bikers that came down the hill while we were working.
We use bright orange plastic ribbon to flag locations on the trail that need work
Further up the hill, another group is cleaning vegetation and slough from the inside of the trail. The slough from the inside and berm from the outside will be used to fill in the rut in the middle to make the surface flatter
Here the filling of the central rut is almost complete