CORBA Mountain Biking Photos. Click on an image to see it full size.
Flagging the route of a short trail that will connect the parking area to the Gaspipe Trail. The last photo in this gallery shows what it looks like when finished.
On the Lizard Rock Trail, building a new drain to prevent rainwater from flowing doen the chicane and making a big rut. This trench across the trail is only a small part of the whole drainage ditch!
Pointing out where the rest of the ditch will run down along the length of the trail.
Cuttings are being piled beside a section of the trail that will be closed down. Another group is working on the new trail that will bypass the section to be closed.
We also broadened and smoothed the trail where slough and vegetation had built up on the inside. 'Slough' is dirt and rocks that fall down from the hillside above and builds up on the inside edge of the trail.
Helping to remove the cuttings
Not only is the group above us building the rerouted trail, they're also installig a bench that overlooks Hill Canyon, the Western Plateau and the newly named Elliott Peak, seen towards the right in the distance.
Head Ranger Bruce with master Trail Crew Leader Jerry from the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council. The new trail section can be seen behind them.
Where the trail makes the sharp turn to the right is the bottom of the chicane where we're building a ditch along side it.
Looking at the new ditch from half way up the chicane.
Looking towards the top of the chicane from halfway up.
The view from the top of the chicane
This section of the trail is being closed off. We chop it up to make it easier for plants to reclaim it.
Making sure the new bench works properly. But there's a problem - it's facing away from the view, rather than towards it!
Covering up the closed trail with brush and cuttings to keep people off it. It will also shade new plants to help them get started.
We cleared quite a bit of brush from where we were working to pile on the clsoed trail!
Now you'd never know that a trail existed here!
The CORBA volunteers after the work was complete. Everyone did a great job!
Another crew hikes down from Lizard Rock after completing their work.
Lunch was prepared by the COSCA rangers.
Newbury Park Highschool had big presence!
COSCA ranger grilling burgers for us. There were also hot dog and veggie burgers.
As promised, a photo of the newly built trail from the parking area to Gaspipe Trail.