CORBA Mountain Biking Photos. Click on an image to see it full size.
Hiking to the work area. It was a nice, cool day. The sun came out as we were having lunch - perfect timing!
Filling in the big rut in the middle of the trail and re-establishing the gentle slope so water will run off the trail, rather than down it and making a rut.
Cleaning out a drainage nick. We cleaned out a number of them, and made a few new ones, too.
Negotiating with a stump to get off the trail ;-)
Another stump needs to be convinced to move, too.
This picture was supposed to show the ranger's truck parked at the top of the hill in the distance, but the sky is overexposed so you can't really see it.
Two volunteers about to start filling in a rut.
Packing down the loose dirt
The red chalk shows where the new drain will be dug
You can see how rutted and rought the trail is above where we're working. Unfortunately we didn't have enough time and people to fix the whole trail. As it was, we worked on about 1500'!
A nasty bush in a nasty neighborhood!
Dropping off the tools on the way back to the barbecue. We met one of the other crews here that was working on the 'Lily Tomlin' Trail.
In the shade of ancient oaks on the Whole Access Trail.
Time for lunch!
The Rangers grill a barbecue lunch for all the volunteers
Manning the grill
Most of the COSCA Rangers who were there to help and guide us.