This was a joint project between CORBA and the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council.
CORBA Mountain Biking Photos. Click on an image to see it full size.
This is the start of the work area as we walked from the MASH site towards the main part of the park. There were a lot of sections like this that were very narrow and overgrown.
My group spent most of the time fixing up this section of the trail.
This is the same section from the other side. Narrow and rocky.
The first thing was to remove the grass and brush from the hillside so we could move the trail closer to the hill (and further from the stream).
It already looks a lot better after just removing the dead growth!
The next step was to take out the big rocks on the inside of the trail.
The rock bar got a lot of use!
The group next to us also had a lot of rocks to deal with, but much more overgrowth.
Working on cutting the tree back and away from the trail.
There's so much growth here that you can't even see the trail.
Eventually the big rocks will be gone from the trail. This is the BEFORE shot.
This is the AFTER shot - all the rocks have been dug out and used further up the trail.
Laying a foundation to widen the trail. These are all rocks we dug out of the trail!
After laying the foundation, fill in with smaller rocks, then diirt on top.
One of the Santa Monica Mountain Trails Council trail crew leaders.
These planes flew overhead while we were at work.
Another group happily at work clearing brush.
We couldn't do anything about this pipe sticking up except make it more obvious.
A section of trail we widened and smoothed.
Another section of trail we widened and smoothed.
This used to be really rocky.
After we widened the trail. The before picture is next.
What the trail looked like before we started.
The brush was cut back here, making the trail much more visible.
This is where we started, much wider now than it had been.
This is the AFTER picture of the start of our work area.
The BEFORE picture of the start of our work area.
Loading the tools into the trucks at eh MASH site.
You can see some MASH remnants off to the left.
Lunch at the Urbane Cafe afterwards to thank all the volunteers who did such a great job!
A turkey club sandwich and salad.