New on the CORBA Website
A Message from CORBA’s President
by Mark Langton
Rogers Had it Right When I first met North Ranch Mountain Bike
Club (
founder Randy Rogers, he told me of his simple concept when encountering
others on the trail. “You should slow down enough to have a brief
conversation with them. Like, ‘How are you? Have a nice day.’” I
told him I thought that this was overly courteous, and if you simply
slowed down and said “hi” as you passed, it would be sufficient.
Now, 20 or so years later, I have to admit that Randy was right.
Because in having that brief conversation, you not only slow down,
you also show care and concern for the other trail user. And if
we want to promote a backcountry that is harmonious and safe, then
we all must act as if we are a family. Sure, like most families
we may have our differences, but in the end our goal should be to
care for, and be kind to, each other. After all, we’re out on the
trails for the same reasons; to enjoy nature and to renew our spirit.
I challenge you to try this simple, easy experiment: When safely
passing someone, including other cyclists, slow down to the point
you’re almost going their speed (or stop if necessary), and ask
“how are you doing?” (or the abbreviation “howdy!”). Pause just
long enough to let them reply. If they don’t, at least you initiated
the pleasantry. If they do reply, recognize the feeling you get
from the exchange. They feel comforted and cared for, and you have
done something nice. If that’s not a win/win, I don’t know what
is. And at the risk of sounding cliché, you are paying good
karma forward, which in most cases is contagious. And please drop
me an email at or post a reply and let me know
how it goes when you try this experiment. I’d really like to hear
your experiences. Thanks!
(By the way, if you’re already using this method of trail courtesy,
Thank You!)
Mountain Bike Unit 2013 Training Starts February 2
Calling all mountain bikers age 18 and over! The Mountain Bike Unit (MBU)
is currently recruiting for its 2013 New Recruit Training Class. If you
enjoy mountain biking and are interested in giving back to the
community by volunteering some time to assist our understaffed Park
Rangers in patrolling the parks, then the MBU may be just what you are
looking for. The MBU supports and are sponsored by the National Park
Service (NPS), California State Parks (CSP), and the Mountains
Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA). See the
rest of this article in our blog...
Girlz Gone Riding open ride February 9, 2013
 GGR on the advanced ride in October 2012
GGR (girlz gone riding), will now be having quarterly open rides starting Saturday Feb 9th! A GGR open ride is open to ALL LEVELS especially encouraging beginners. The Feb 9th
ride will be in Reseda and an event page will go up here mid January
where you will need to sign up for the Open ride. Sign up IS required:
We will have beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of XC rides
that will combine both single track, double track and fire road. LADIES ONLY PLEASE….
Plan is to have 4 or 5 GGR OPEN rides per year in different
locations. This is not only a great way to learn the trails, but meet
other women your level to ride with! Let’s have a blast and see the GGR
jersey’s out in full force! Sign up, helmets, mountain bikes, water and
smiles required! Make sure to sign up on the GGR Face book page for all
upcoming events and read our blog at
World Chatsworth. Bling up your bike in the GGR purple colors! Prizes
go out to the top 3 blingers! To be judged and presented at 10 at
the HUB!
25-Year Jerseys: Now in Stock at the CORBA Store!
CORBA’s 25th anniversary jerseys are now available at the CORBA store!
Celebrating 25 years of CORBA’s mountain biking and trails advocacy,
these attractive forest green and gold jerseys are availble in BMX and
club cut. Also, the 25-year anniversary socks have arrived. To round out
your wardrobe of support for CORBA, we still have some 25-year T-shirts
available. So go to the online CORBA store, order some new duds and show your friends you care about the future of mountain biking!
Beginners' Ride had 16 participants. Would you or
a new rider you know like to join us too?
For a list of upcoming recreational rides, please visit the CORBA
See our Rides
Calendar for details and for other beginner-level rides. Many thanks to North
Ranch Mountain Biker Michelle for leading these
CORBA’s Recreational Rides calendar provides a full
monthly schedule of mountain bike rides for all skill levels. Mountain bike
rides are organized by CORBA member clubs and led by experienced and
knowledgeable guides. Recreational rides are a fun and social way to experience
a variety of trails in Los Angeles and Ventura counties, and beyond.
and Recent Trailwork
For many years, most trailwork has been done by volunteers because of budget
cutbacks at our parks systems. So come out and help CORBA and
other volunteers keep our trails in top riding shape! You can learn
more about what to expect and what you'll need to bring with you
on our Trailwork
web page. Keep in mind that CORBA now provides prizes and lunch
after the event for volunteers who register
in advance! And by registering in advance, you'll help us prepare
by knowing how many volunteers to expect. If you come out to two
or more trailwork days in a year, we'll give you a cool long-sleeved
CORBA trail crew shirt - be sure to ask for yours!
February 23: Backbone Trail between Zuma Ridge and Kanan
Rd. Join CORBA and the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council as we fix up the section of the Backbone Trail between Zuma Ridge Motorway and Kanan Road. We'll mostly be cutting back overgrowing brush, especially branches that are hanging down and make riders duck as they go by. After the trailwork is finished, CORBA will have prizes for some (or all) lucky volunteers, and treat you to lunch afterwards.
Please register in advance so we'll know how many tools to bring,
and to be eligible for the prize drawing. Full details of the event
are also on the
registration page.
To see all trailwork dates, including those of other groups,
visit the CORBA
trailwork calendar.
Join our mailing list to get updates on trailwork
opportunities! Send an email to
Volunteers wanted for Backbone Trail Ultramarathon March 30-31
On March 30-31, Coyote Cohorts will be presenting a 68-mile run along the length of the Backbone Trail in the Santa Monica Mountains. About 150 runners in three categories will be challenging themselves to complete this grueling course. Vounteers are needed to help with logistics and support of this event. If you are interested in helping out, please visit the Coyote Backbone Trail Ultra website for details and contact information.
The Grand Canyon by Bike, Not Burro
The Suburu/IMBA Trail Care Crew helps bring new singletrack to the North Rim.
Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona has often been called the “eighth wonder of the world.” Lesser known is the area’s value as a mountain biking destination. Eighteen miles of moderate singletrack with stunning views into the canyon are open to bikes on the North Rim. The land is managed by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) North Kaibab Ranger District, which is looking to add additional miles to the existing, out-and-back trail.
Read the rest of this
article on our blog... Free Mountain Biking
Skills Clinic
Saturday February
2 is the next skills clinic.
The CORBA free skills clinic is held on the first Saturday of
every month at Malibu Creek State Park.
Mountain biking is a lot like tennis or skiing. Just a few minor
adjustments in technique can make a huge difference in your
control and proficiency. If you want to get better faster,
you need to know the fundamentals of mountain biking technique.
Whether you're just getting into mountain biking or have been
riding for years, you'll learn some valuable tips from our Introduction
to Mountain Biking skills class that is offered each month.
Check out our Skills Clinic
web page for all the information. After the clinic, see photos
of your new skills on the CORBA web site that you can share
with your family and friends!
CORBA on Meetup, Twitter and Facebook
We have set up accounts with Twitter and Facebook to help keep people informed
of the latest developments in our trail advocacy, recreational rides and trailwork days. Join
our events on Meetup
and follow
us on Twitter at
and Facebook at
Get Our Blog Articles Delivered to Your
Have you ever wished you could get our blog articles without having
to check
the CORBA website every day to see if there’s anything new? Well, you
can! Even though our blog software won’t send articles by email, you can
still get them delivered to the inbox of most email readers like
Outlook. You use the “RSS feed” functionality for this. In fact, you can
our articles in any software that receives RSS feeds, such as Internet
and other web browsers. This
article on RSS feeds shows you how.
Join or Renew your membership today on our membership
web page. Join Our Team! Do you have any ideas about mountain biking recreation in the
L.A. region? Would you like to apply your skills and manage projects
that contribute to the sport and lifestyle that you love? Is there
an advocate in you? We are recruiting motivated individuals who
work well with others. Send an email to
or come
to a monthly Members Meeting to find out more about what we do and how you
can help. Check the calendar
for the next meeting.
Other simple ways to
support CORBA
- REI:
Use the link at left and REI will donate 5%
of the purchase price to CORBA
- Holmes Body Shop: Get that dent fixed and help CORBA
(Click on the links above to get more details!)
News eMail List
Please do not reply to this email as the corbanews mailbox is
not monitored by people. To contact CORBA, email to
or visit our 'Contact Us' page
for other addresses.