News from the CORBA Website
Blog since the previous eTerraTimes
GGR: Girlz Gone Riding is now counting down the days to our annual Rocktober event, also a CORBA membership drive! Rocktober Agenda Registration went up August 31st at 6pm and blew up! There are still spots left for the October 18th event at Malibu Creek State Park, so please get signed up here: ... To coincide with the GGR: Girlz Gone Riding annual Rocktober event coming up October 18th at Malibu Creek State Park, GGR is partnering up with CORBA for a CORBA/IMBA membership drive! Starting August 31st, the day that registration for GGR’s ROCKTOBER goes live, the CORBA/IMBA membership drive w... It’s been two years since we produced the CORBA 25th Anniversary jersey. We still have a few of those in stock, but it’s time for a new design. In response to our members’ desire for a more color, we’re proud to announce a new CORBA jersey for 2015. The new jersey features an impressionistic view... With proposed developments at Tapia Canyon and our pending proposal for a bike park at Castaic Lake State Recreation Area, there are some changes coming to trails and bike access in the Castaic Area. We’ve long known that the trails of Tapia Canyon, in particular, would be at risk once the develo... Today, August 11, 2015, CORBA and the Mount Wilson Bicycling Association (MWBA), submitted joint comments to the U.S. Forest Service on the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument Plan and Land Management Plan Amendment’s “Need to Change” Analysis. Our comments are linked below. As members of the... On a beautiful day for riding in Malibu Creek State Park , there were 16 at the free Basic Skills Clinic , which is always held the first Saturday of the month. You can see the photos in our August photo gallery . Bookmark It Hide Sites The decommissioned Puente Hills Landfill is preparing to become the newest addition to the Los Angeles County regional park system. The area has outlived it’s usefulness as a landfill, and is presently a blank canvas waiting for a public park to be developed. The proposed park is close to Chino H... Three new national monuments Yesterday, July 10, 2015, President Obama used his powers under the Antiquities act to declare three new National Monuments. There were another three declared in February 2015, and a further monument in December. That’s seven new National Monuments since we were given... On a beautiful day for riding in Malibu Creek State Park , there were 15 at the free Basic Skills Clinic , which is always held the first Saturday of the month. You can see the photos in our July photo gallery . Bookmark It Hide Sites Evidently there has been a rash of bicycle thefts that have hit several CORBA members within the last month. While it is not known if the perpetrators are part of an organized ring, LAPD officer John “Rusty” Redican thinks it sounds a lot like a gang that was operating out of South Los Angels a f... The July edition of CORBA’s monthly newsletter, the eTerraTimes , was published today, July 2nd. If you don’t get it by email, you can view it online . As always, the eTerraTimes has all the latest news for mountain bikers in the Santa Monica Mountains and surrounding areas. Bookmark It Hide Sites An evenhanded account of the issues surrounding conflict and etiquette on the trails was published on the front page of the July 25th issue of the Thousand Oaks Acorn. The article starts with an account by an equestrian in Ahmanson Ranch who felt threatened by mountain bikers who sped by and shou... New CORBA Jerseys!
It’s been two years since we produced the CORBA 25th Anniversary jersey. We still have a few of those in stock, but it’s time for a new design. In response to our members’ desire for a more color, we’re proud to announce a new CORBA jersey for 2015. The new jersey features an impressionistic view of our local mountains. These jerseys are of the highest quality, and can be ordered direct from Voler. For each jersey ordered CORBA will receive a small commission, supporting our advocacy and trail maintenance efforts. Order yours now! Typical order turnaround time is two weeks. Jerseys are available in men’s and women’s cuts, and feature a comfortable, loose fit, pocketless design. Cost is $65. For orders of $75 or more, shipping is free.
GGR Partners with CORBA for a CORBA/IMBA Membership Drive! August 31st-October 18th
To coincide with the GGR: Girlz Gone Riding annual Rocktober event coming up October 18th at Malibu Creek State Park, GGR is partnering up with CORBA for a CORBA/IMBA membership drive! Starting August 31st, the day that registration for GGR’s ROCKTOBER goes live, the CORBA/IMBA membership drive will start. This will run through the day of the women’s only Rocktober event, October 18th at Malibu Creek State Park. GGR Rocktober event October 18th at MCSP: Eventbrite Link for Rocktober All GGR club members that renew or purchase a new CORBA/IMBA membership will be entered into a prize drawing to win a new CORBA jersey, an REI Tent and other goodies to be awarded at the Rocktober event in the afternoon. All NON GGR members who renew their CORBA membership, including men, will be eligible for a CORBA jersey. There will be one jersey each for a male and female/GGR renewing member. Use this link to renew or purchase a new CORBA/IMBA membership: Renew or purchase new CORBA membership GGR: Girlz Gone Riding is a non-dues, all female mountain bike club (some trail male volunteers). GGR holds guided rides, skills clinics, repair clinics, day trips, fund raisers and more throughout the year. GGR: Girlz Gone Riding For Questions, regarding GGR or the CORBA membership drive, please contact Wendy Engelberg, Director, GGR: email
Beginners' Ride had 16 participants. Would you like to join us too?
For a list of upcoming recreational rides, please visit the CORBA
CORBA’s Club
Rides calendar provides a full
monthly schedule of mountain bike rides for all skill levels. Mountain bike
rides are organized by CORBA member clubs and led by experienced and
knowledgeable guides. Recreational rides are a fun and social way to experience
a variety of trails in Los Angeles and Ventura counties, and beyond.
Trail Restoration and Reports on Past Workdays
For many years, most trail upkeep has been done by volunteers because of budget
cutbacks at our parks systems. So come out and help CORBA and
other volunteers keep our trails in top riding shape! You can learn
more about what to expect and what you'll need to bring with you
on our Trailwork
web page.
CORBA will provide lunch for participants after the workday is
finished. Please register
in advance to help us prepare
by knowing how many volunteers to expect. And... If you come out to two
or more trailwork days in a year, we'll give you a cool long-sleeved
CORBA trail crew shirt - be sure to ask for yours!
must be over 7-years old to attend, and children under 14 must be constantly
and directly supervised by their parent or guardian who brought them.
Saturday, October 17, 2015: COSCA Annual Trailwork Day.
We'll be buiding another new trail, this one in Conejo Canyons,
climbing from the end of the 'new' bridge and connecting to the
very new trail that leads to the top of Elliott Peak. This will
enable a number of intereting loop routes. For full details and to register, see our Meetup event and registration page.
Saturday, October 31, 2015: Backbone Trail between Mulholland
and Etz Meloy. This will be our third visit to this segment
of the Backbone Trail in the past year. With enough volunteers,
we'll finish cutting the overgrowning brush back and improve the
drainage before the El Nino rains wash it away. For full details and to register, see our Meetup event and registration page.
To see all trailwork dates, including those of other groups,
visit the CORBA
Join our mailing list to get updates on trailwork
opportunities! Send an email to
Girlz Gone Riding September News September 2015!
GGR: Girlz Gone Riding is now counting down the days to our annual Rocktober event, also a CORBA membership drive! Rocktober Agenda Registration went up August 31st at 6pm and blew up! There are still spots left for the October 18th event at Malibu Creek State Park, so please get signed up here: Eventbrite Registration for Rocktober
If you have never been to the annual Rocktober event, here is a run down: and here is a video from last year: GGR Rocktober 2014
We are most excited that this year we will have over 100 demo bikes! Liv, Trek, Specialized, Bulls Bikes USA, Turner and Rocky Mountain will all be there with their demo fleets! Reservations are required. The reservation list and contact to reserve the demo bikes will be posted in the next few weeks.
In keeping tradition, a special COMMUNITY award will be given out this year to the bike shop that shows the most community involvement with women’s cycling. The winner has been chosen and will be announced at the morning commencement at the Rocktober event.
Please save the date for the CORBA/RAM ride & Pancake breakfast November 1st at 8:30am. Hosted by Michael’s Bicycles in Newbury Park. The morning consists of all levels of guided rides lead by the GGR leadership team and a pancake breakfast at Michael’s Bicycles after the ride! This is a super fun morning to join! Please sign up on the FB or Meet up pages: : Meet up: Meet Up CORBA RAM Ride & Pancake Breakfast
To see the full rundown on GGR news, visit Wendy's
blog article...
Free Mountain Biking
Skills Clinic
Saturday September
5th is the next skills clinic.
The CORBA free skills clinic is held on the first Saturday of
every month at Malibu Creek State Park.
Mountain biking is a lot like tennis or skiing. Just a few minor
adjustments in technique can make a huge difference in your
control and proficiency. If you want to get better faster,
you need to know the fundamentals of mountain biking technique.
Whether you're just getting into mountain biking or have been
riding for years, you'll learn some valuable tips from our Introduction
to Mountain Biking skills class that is offered each month.
Check out our Skills Clinic
web page for all the information. After the clinic, see photos
of your new skills on the CORBA web site that you can share
with your family and friends!
CORBA on Meetup, Twitter and Facebook
We have set up accounts with Twitter and Facebook to help keep people informed
of the latest developments in our trail advocacy, recreational rides and trailwork days. Join
our events on Meetup
and follow
us on Twitter at
and Facebook at
Get Our Blog Articles Delivered to Your
Have you ever wished you could get our blog articles without having
to check
the CORBA website every day to see if there’s anything new? Well, you
can! Even though our blog software won’t send articles by email, you can
still get them delivered to the inbox of most email readers like
Outlook. You use the “RSS feed” functionality for this. In fact, you can
our articles in any software that receives RSS feeds, such as Internet
and other web browsers. This
article on RSS feeds shows you how.
Join or Renew your membership today on our membership
web page. Join Our Team! Do you have any ideas about mountain biking recreation in the
L.A. region? Would you like to apply your skills and manage projects
that contribute to the sport and lifestyle that you love? Is there
an advocate in you? We are recruiting motivated individuals who
work well with others. Send an email to
or come
to a monthly Members Meeting to find out more about what we do and how you
can help. Check the calendar
for the next meeting.
Other simple ways to
support CORBA
- REI:
Use the link at left and REI will donate 5%
of the purchase price to CORBA
Buy online and Amazon will donate to CORBA through their Smile
- Holmes Body Shop: Get that dent fixed and help CORBA
(Click on the links above to get more details!)
News eMail List
Please do not reply to this email as the corbanews mailbox is
not monitored by people. To contact CORBA, email to
or visit our 'Contact Us' page
for other addresses.