voice of off-road bicyclists
Building a new trail during the COSCA Spring Trailwork Day on June 17, 2018
The new trail will lead 1.3 miles from the Westlake Village Community Park and YMCA to the Saddle Pass Trail. When complete, it will be part of 2.5 miles of new open space trails!
CORBA Mountain Biking Photos. Click on an image to see it full size.
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Setting the tools out for the volunteers to use.
The registration area
The first crew to head up the trail is hard at work
This crew is just getting started. The hillside has a steep cross-slope so there's going to be a lot of dirt to dig out!
You can really see how steep the cross-slope is here.
There were a lot of rocks to move. This was a particularly big one.
The orange flags mark the outside edge of the (future) trail.
The flags continue along the trail cut above us, waiting for another crew of volunteers to work on it.
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