The new trail will lead 1.3 miles from the Westlake Village Community Park and YMCA to the Saddle Pass Trail. When complete, it will be part of 2.5 miles of new open space trails!
CORBA Mountain Biking Photos. Click on an image to see it full size.
The next crew arrives to work on the next section of trail.
We've made great progress! The new trail is really shaping up nicely.
The new crew has just started on this section of trail.
Putting on a few finishing touches.
At the end of the morning, heading back down the newly created trail. A hot barbecue lunch is waiting for us at the bottom!
Looking back up the new trail.
The last step of building a new trail is to remove the flags.
Lunch was catered by Billy D's BBQ
The Conejo Open Space Foundation has an information table set up where volunteers can learn more about how they can support our open space and trails.
Lunch: Mac 'n cheese, black beans, salad, corn muffin, pulled porks, tri-tip and chicken. There was lots so I went back for seconds!