Directions and Camping at Castaic
Carpool to the event and save money and the planet.
Castaic Lake State Recreation Area
32132 Castaic Lake Drive
Castaic, CA 91384
(661) 257-4050
Parking fee is $11. All parking fees remain at Castaic Lake for trail improvements and maintenance of facilities. Please help support our parks!
Directions from the Valley and South Bay:
- Take the 405 N to the 5N.
- Take exit 176A for Parker Rd toward Castaic
- At the bottom of the ramp, rurn right onto Ridge Route Rd.
- Cross Lake Hughes Road in about 1 mile (stop sign).
- In about 1/3 mile, turn right onto Castaic Lake Drive (stop sign).
- In approx. 0.2 mile, turn right into the park entrance.
- After entering the front gate, turn left and go all the way down to the picnic area at the end, and park.
Camping: Camping is available on the east side of the lagoon at Castaic Lake. Call (661) 257-4050 for camping reservations. Tent camping, trailers and RV permitted. For all details go to www.castaiclake.com.
BRING your bathing suit for a swim at the Castaic Lagoon beach!
Google does not understand where Castaic is, the map linked to this incorrect location. At least one person drove around for 30 minutes trying to find the FTF. The map above is jpg on CORBA's site and doesn't represent the situation accurately.
We expect good weather, but the Fat Tire Fest will go on rain or shine.
The average October temperatures at Castaic are:
Max. temperature 83°F / 28°C
Min. temperature 55°F / 12°C